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queer Christian Community

ECM offers a Queer Christian Community for people who wish to explore the intersection of Christian faith and their LGBTQ+ identities. There are many ways people live in that intersection, and QCC tries to be a safe and affirming space for all - a space where you don't have to downplay your queerness or your faith identity. 


QCC meets once or twice per month for things like:

Gaymes Night - board games, card games, video games, etc.

Tea-Time - drinking/spilling tea and getting to know each other

Queerly Beloved - exploring our spirituality

Friendsgiving Dinners - celebrating with chosen family


QCC also offers a lending library of LGBTQ+ affirming faith resources for personal study. Let QCC know if there is a book you'd like to see added to the collection.


Email Aeryn Whiting to learn more about QCC and/or get the scoop about upcoming QCC events. Or follow QCC on Instagram.

© 2024 U. of Guelph - Ecumenical Campus Ministry


Phone: 519.824.4120 ext.52390    Email:

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